Greece, Germany, LBGT, and Thorns
I write stuff for various websites, including an education and symbolism-themed one. Here are the latest:
Glossary: Ancient Greek Terms
Symbolism: Thorns
Oh well. The Thorns piece (which I like) isn't ready yet. Here's a book review on a stewardess book with a strong labor theme that is suitable for the times.
[Thorns up now]
Some political news/gossip of late. But, it's overall tiresome.
(I originally wrote this before seeing the Ken Paxton news. That is tiresome and disgusting. It's tiresome to see a party that has no credibility continue to have so much power. It also disgusts me.)
I also donated blood. I first did so a long time ago and it's an easy way to give something back. Plus, I kept on getting emails recently that there was a blood shortage. The vampires must be getting desperate.