Texas Rangers, ending a drought, won the World Series in five games. Arizona came out tough, getting to their ace in Game 1.
Unfortunately, former Mets journeyman and now apparent ace playoffs closer Paul Sewald turned into a pumpkin. He blew the save. Arizona bats came out in force late in Game 2 to make that a laugher. They lost a close one and then their bullpen game did not go well this time.
Down 3-1, Arizona tried to make at least a series of it. Nonetheless, it is hard to get out an ace twice. This time he bent but did not break. Arizona's starter finally gave up a single run. Arizona's shot at a late comeback was basically ended when Sewald threw in another egg, four runs being given up in the end.
So, overall, Arizona did somewhat better than their record suggests. If you want to try to look on the bright side. I did not really see much of the series. If I did, it would have been a mixture of nailbiting and turning off that game where they were losing 10-0 (wound up 11-7 with two late garbage time innings) early. I wanted them to win but am not that upset, except that I would have liked a more competitive overall result.
This refusal to grant relief to someone who is not only likely innocent but who the victim's own family accepts should be released is a travesty.
The problem is not merely "Republicans." You can find Republican governors who would act differently. Yes, even in Texas once in a blue moon. The Texas courts recently held up an execution and not on innocence grounds. They have their moments.
It also was just bad taste that a few people made it personal. It is quite easy not to like Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Nonetheless, making fun of her weight or appearance is tasteless. You are left with that unpleasant feeling where you want to defend someone you rather not defend.
The system in place, including where even very strong cases for relief are blocked, is very problematic. Yes, there are many frivolous appeals in the mix as there are frivolous lawsuits of all kinds. Life and death warrant allowing an opening. Commutations and pardons are supposed to be one outlet here. They are an imperfect one up to and including the presidential process in place. Yes, Democrat or Republican, that needs to be reformed.
I also continue to think that people should not be in prison for thirty years except in a tiny number of cases. Not this one, even if the guy did murder someone. Charles Manson? Yes, I can see keeping him locked up. Ditto a small number of very dangerous defendants. Someone who committed a heinous crime? Not for that reason alone. Decades in a little cage is enough.
These snapshots of injustices also bother me in a different way. They provide a chance for people to say "How horrible!" and "The system sucks!" or "Police are bad!" The system (whatever it is) has problems. However, it rarely totally sucks. Police engage with people thousands upon thousands of times a year. They have a legitimate job.
These takes nearly never address those things. When they do flag a "good arrest" or whatever, they still don't note (even in small print or in a footnote) that "at times the police have a role." It's a bit like when people hate lawyers, except when they need one.
[I grant some hate them there too.]
Daylight Saving Time is a bit stupid. I think we should probably just end the thing. It isn't way up there. We are used to it.
But, not having to worry about changing the time twice a year would be nice. Am I one of the few still still has a digital clock where you have to go all around to "fall back"? One also skips a few minutes at a time so it rarely is the right time. Both are of limited use but still use the radio at times. I actually have one on my phone too but that needs a headphone.
Totally unrelated, saw a picture of the Friends bunch at their reunion a couple of years back. They looked rather old. They aren't really. Two are older than the rest. They started to look noticeably older in the last season.