One liberal law professor that I disagree with at times noted once that on the important stuff, we agree 98% of the time.
Perhaps so. I think I disagree with him a bit more than that. But, other than how boring baseball is compared to basketball (good for a few minutes at a time; the Mets officially eliminated last night), he is more right than wrong.
I think that is often* true with a blog I engage with (in part since it is one of the decreasing number of my haunts that allow comments) too. On the issue of impeachment and now the application of the 14th Amendment disqualification provision, there is disagreement.
I recently assumed in a comment there that Trump committed "insurrection" as understood there. Some lawyer, who has much less apparent knowledge of history (including the relevant history) than me, sneered at my reference. He's one of those who selectively (he tossed in as a "decent" -- a "fairly good" -- argument something quite weak & did so on his own say-so) requires footnotes in blog comments.
[The blog comment system at times won't even let you add more than two links.]
Those willing to do a bit of research (and I more than once referenced some places to look) could determine my comment was not of the tinfoil variety. But, the ultimate questions are complex. I have provided some analysis with a bunch of links to further reading.
I put some thought into it but it is not some carefully crafted law article. Keep that in mind. Also, the links -- including references to multiple books -- provide some helpful further reading.
14A, Sec. 3 Arguments (Lots of Links)
* I am not a fan of one member of the team and regularly disagree with him.