New York Trump Trial
The Trump judge who should be recused is delaying things in Florida. Georgia has lots of defendants remaining even with some plea deals. The patently full-of-shit immunity case for some reason is still not done in D.C., which is driving me and others nuts. So, it looks like the "runt of the litter" might go first. That is the NYC corruption case.
I have consistently argued this case deserves to be tried. People worry about the novelty of the argument and reliance on an asshole for a chief witness. But, Trump chose the asshole. Having a conspirator turn the state's evidence is standard. Plus, as someone argued, there is value to the basic simplicity of this case.
Two civil cases have run their course (E.J. Carroll and the civil fraud trial). It's time for a criminal trial to get things rolling. And, damn it, can the D.C. Court of Appeals rule? The March trial date has now officially been suspended.
Fani Willis
I will briefly comment on the latest Fani Willis business. I find this response (which instigates further doom-ing, the writer taking a break from preaching the dangers of doom-ing) tiresome.
I have not "deep-dived" this. It looks like she was stupid. It started in 2022. Welcome to reality on that front. And, I don't think civil, criminal, or constitutional cases will "save us" from worrying firmly about trying to win at the polls. So, no need to remind me of this. I think that is a strawman.
I bow to Prof. Anthony Michael Kreis as an expert on local legal matters. He comments on social media and has done guest shots on television. His take is that it is a frivolous complaint while trying to make it clear that such complaints are part of the system and that a court hearing on the matter is good policy.
Also, this case is so large that it was a long shot to have it complete before the election. I doubt this sideshow will change much on that end. It is not desirable. Nonetheless, life is like that.
[ETA: See also here for more info.]
Middle East
After three servicemen were killed by a drone attack, the U.S. counterattacked. This continues to show the possible expansion of the conflict arising from the Hamas attack and Israel's response.
Left-leaning scholar Juan Cole suggests other options. I am wary of commenting on these things on blogs. It’s just too sensitive and my knowledge is too limited (though I try to keep up). But, I do overall lean toward non-military options when possible.
I do want to push back somewhat on the idea President Biden is somehow all-in with Israel. It is not true. He has worked to obtain ceasefires. I have seen pushback about Israeli excesses. He has spoken about two-state solutions. There are also reports of them investigating recognizing Palestine. If Hamas earned blame for starting all of this, Israel has earned blame for the counterattack.
I put aside the fact Congress is pro-Israel so it is dubious that he realistically has much wiggle room anyhow. There is a fear that the issue will suppress needed support, including Arab-Americans in necessary states like Michigan. What is their alternative? Robert Kennedy Jr.? The election is over six months away. Who knows what will happen?
I welcome more pushback on Israel, including not supplying them with as much support, and whatever the Administration can do to show support for both sides. He has put forth an executive order that in a small way (it appears) penalizes settlers in the West Bank for excesses there.
I accept the idea that more can be done to stop our at times too one-sided pro-Israeli policy. My representative has shown his excesses, including joining a petty resolution against a member of his party. Nonetheless, we should not use that to not give credit where it is due or provide a one-sided attack on President Biden. It's unfair and unproductive.
Mets Stuff
I won't talk too much about sports here. I will note that the two latest bullpen Mets bullpen signings are appreciated.
Former Mets pitcher Jerry Blevins argued that there is a possibility the Mets can have a very good season. He expects a more average one. Mets fans expect disappointment.
But, overall, I think the team is okay. It needs time to develop before paying more money for starting pitching. Currently, the starting pitching is adequate. The pen and line-up are reasonable. I am guardedly hopeful.
Harry and Meghan
I recently finished watching S4 of The Crown. I also read two helpful historical companion volumes by Robert Lacey that overlap with the first three seasons. I do not see additional ones. The Crown is well-acted historical fiction. The two books underline how much of both is involved.
I also re-watched a DVD of the Harry and Meghan wedding. I'm not a gigantic HM person but root for them. Harry's autobiography was good to skim. One thing I liked about the wedding was when the minister brought in the audience.
After handling the couples' vows, he asked the audience if they promised to support the couple. A wedding is a public support of the couple. It is fitting and proper to include them like this.