After weeks of shenanigans, the House Republicans went with a "dark horse" candidate by the name of Mike Johnson to replace Kevin McCarthy for Speaker.
They went through "David Duke without the baggage" Scalise, "crazy jacket-less guy who covered up sexual abuse Jim Jordan, and some guy named "Emmer" (too sane; he not only didn't vote to block the 2020 elections but supported the Respect for Marriage Act.
Emmer was part of a sort of "speed dating" round which originally had around nine candidates. Rep. Mike Johnson gave a speech from the dias once chosen that included some religious conservative talking points and an argument that the deficit is the nation's biggest problem. Not democracy or something. He is a far-right evangelical conservative.
The title of the linked blog post is appropriately careful in its framing: "New House Speaker Has Long Record of Conservative Advocacy on Religious Freedom Issues." This includes early anti-gay advocacy, the religious beliefs of those who support them not so essential to him.
It is noted there that he and his wife are in a "covenant marriage." You can dislike that as a religious matter. Catholic doctrine on divorce is also dubious. The immediate concern is that it is actually a state option in a few states. It is one thing to recognize free exercise. It is another to have an actual specific state policy that makes it harder to divorce.
Speaker of House Mike Johnson, second in line to the presidency [fair as a rule, probably], also is a big election denier. He was cited as the "most important architect" of a lawsuit that would have overturned the election in four states. His name was on the cover of the brief. Over a hundred of his fellow Republicans signed it. Each is horrible. But, he led the effort.
As noted at the link, Republicans do not want to talk about it. This is a standard device. They make outrageous claims and then when challenged get all hedge-y. It's like the hypocrisy of blocking Garland while speeding through Barrett while Biden voters were in the process of electing him. You might have the raw power to do it, but you have to admit that's all it is.
Have no fear though. Justice was reached in the true crime:
Jamaal Bowman Charged With Setting Off False Fire Alarm
Rep. Bowman, a leading progressive in the House, got caught pulling a fire alarm supposedly to try to delay the Kevin McCarthy-led last-minute vote to avoid the shutdown. You know, the immediate cause of his ouster for someone who looks like he is from central casting but has worse views.
(We will see how Mike Johnson is personally, including his subservient tendencies regarding retaining power.)
A few liberals had the vapors about how "stupid" that was with one even suggesting he would lose his seat (yes, Bronx liberal voters care so much about that). It was at most a stupid move in the heat of the moment. You do stupid things. Let's have a bit of perspective.
Congressman Bowman was treated like anyone else who violates the law in the District of Columbia,” Mr. Shoglow-Rubenstein [a spokesman for the D.C. attorney general’s office] said in a statement. “Based on the evidence presented by Capitol Police, we charged the only crime that we have jurisdiction to prosecute.
Okay. Well, if pulling a fire alarm is a zero-tolerance crime in D.C., the police must be darn busy. We have so much more to worry about. But, it is just asinine that this was prosecuted, even if it is just $1000, and will be dropped with payment and an apology in a few months.
What about someone else? Maybe, who doesn't have the money or who an arrest would matter much more? For instance, the article noted that Bowman would be processed. You are going to force someone to go to the police station or courthouse to be fingerprinted and the like for that? Again, what if they have a job or if even a misdemeanor charge will burn them?
It's an abuse of the criminal justice system. Anyway, we will see the staying power of the new speaker. And, let's make sure when the next counting of electoral votes occurs, a Democrat holds the office.